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  • Implement high quality onboarding with Priima LMS
  • Top-notch onboarding with Priima learning management system creates a strong base for efficient learning, commitment and safe working.
  • Allocate the right courses to employees or let them choose based on their interests and needs.
  • Make a difference with Priima's learning path functions.
  • Both the supervisor and the employee can easily monitor the learning progress.


  • Pre/onboarding


  • Discendum


  • Global



Priima LMS - Onboarding


Make your pre/onboarding process easy to follow with our digital learning solution.


High quality and clear onboarding gives the best readiness for employment. During onboarding, a base is created for efficient learning, commitment and safe working. It’s easy to build, manage and monitor versatile learning paths with the help of Priima. The learning path can be built based on the needs and goals of the organisation, team and employee.

Certain compulsory courses and for example certifications can be allocated clearly to the employee but it’s also possible to let the employee choose from optional content based on what they find essential and interesting for them. The onboarding can be built as a learning path that the employee can proceed in either by following a schedule or independently. This way it’s possible to enable personal learning paths and the timely allocation of the right content. It’s possible to produce content straight to Priima or utilize existing materials. With the help of Priima, onboarding can be accessed easily on any device and therefore it fits the daily working life smoothly.

Every participant of the onboarding process can see the most essential things related to their role in Priima: The employee sees the courses allocated to them and if they’re compulsory or not directly in the desktop view. Optional content can be seen in the course catalog and it’s possible to either join or enroll to these courses. The employee as well as an HR specialist, supervisor or other onboarding instructor can monitor the progress smoothly. Training and instructing can also be added to be a part of the onboarding path as needed.

Hit the 'Get in touch' button to hear more about the solution and schedule a demo session.

Note. This product contains monthly recurring fee.

Pre conditions

This solution includes both PriimaUsers API and PriimaResultsAPI. See 'Related products' section for further information.


