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  • Clear Job description (input from multiple people)
  • Match job and person
  • Optimized internal agreement – what are we actually looking for?
  • Cultural understanding on department level
  • Better dialogue


  • IPA Nordic


  • Global


IPA Core - JobMatch & Culture Recruitment Analysis

Early Access Program

IPA JobMatch analysis package is based on the highest rated Scandinavian personality analysis IPA (IPA Integrated Personality Analysis) This analysis sees the job – and the job is matched for candidates. Available in DK, SE, NO. FI. DE, UK, NL, PL


IPA – JobMatch

A JobMatch from IPA Nordic enhances your chances of choosing the right candidate for the job. This benefits everyone. The company who is hiring, the candidate, and most certainly the recruitment consultant.

The IPA JobMatch Analysis gives you the opportunity to see the personal qualifications of a candidate reflected in the demands of the actual job. This is done by connecting IPA Core (personality) with IPA JobMatch (the job). IPA Core measures the personality, as seen “from within” the individual, while IPA JobMatch focuses on the actual content of the job, its demands and its character, as seen from “within the job”. These two analyses are reflected in one another and they can help measure how well the qualifications of a candidate matches the actual job and demands of the company who is hiring.

IPA Core and IPA JobMatch go hand in hand, and they make up the foundation of a productive dialogue between the hiring company and the candidate; a dialogue about all the difficult issues that relate to personal qualifications, attitudes, preferences, values, and culture.

IPA Culture (test in test)
The IPA Culture scale shows the company culture in a web between
- Specialist Culture
- Operational Performance Culture
- Dialogue Culture
- Change Culture

Pre conditions

Certification in the IPA analysis. 1-2 days.


JobMatch analysis

Cultural analysis

360° HR Cockpit